What Satan meant for evil I choose to let God use for good. I am a rape survivor, a wife, mother, daughter and sister. I write about living joyfully no matter what the circumstances.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Life...Never Boring!
Some things have changed from the status quo of this summer, and I think for the better. Mainly I have seen that Christ is active in all parts of life, and that He does want to protect us, take care of us and lavish us with His love.
I don't have much to report- if you want more details you can always e-mail me. I've talked the past 24 hours out so much, that I'm finished, and ready to move on.
On a lighter note Laughter of the Dead Kings, the final Vickie Bliss book by Elizabeth Peters is on sale starting today! After class I'm heading down to the store to purchase it! I love this series. So I'm very excited to start reading this latest and last installment, and I'm praying that it is an ending I can live with. There is nothing worse than a bad ending!!!
Well, I'm off to class (COUN 501: functions and ethics of the counselor). Have a blessed Tuesday!
Monday, August 25, 2008
1am Thoughts...
First of all, I want to say that I've come to this conclusion with all due respect, and in fact I think that I respect these soldiers even more than before. I have decided that along with their patriotism, courage, strength, valor, sense of duty and love there is 1 more ingredient that is needed to be SOF and SF... a little bit of crazy! And I write this with a sense of awe and a lot of pride and respect for these soldiers, but it does require a little bit of crazy. The things that they teach their bodies to withstand, and still be able to perform better than most people would under easy conditions. It is just...WOW, I guess!
Crazy may not be the best word, and I certainly mean it in a good way, but I can't think of a better word to describe it. These guys are so well trained, and are so courageous and awesome to do what they do.
I could never dream about teaching my body to do what these men routinely do in training. From surviving extreme cold and heat to the mental tortures as well. It amazes me.
Whenever I see someone disrespecting the flag or our country I can't help but be angered. We are not a perfect country- America has many areas for improvement and growth. But we are filled with men and women that volunteer to train and go into harm's way to protect those of her at home, and living abroad. To disrespect what these men and women are doing, and what the 1000's have done that have lived and died before---it is a shame!
You don't have to fawn over America, and you are allowed to disagree with each other. I love that we have multiple political parties, because having more than one view point is good in most areas. But, we all need to learn to respect each other, and to be respectful toward our country.
Right now we are involved in a conflict, a war (for that is what it is, no matter what Congress says) that isn't very popular. I think that for some the politics behind the war have caused them to get so angry that they disrespect the flag and the soldiers. These men and women are just doing their job and serving their Commander in Chief. To do so in spite of how it is viewed here, and in spite of what people say I find that to be commendable.
Anyway, I could go on and on but it is early in the morning (almost 1am) and I should maybe head to bed, now that I've had my say!!! May God bless you with a wonderful week full of love and friendship.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Semester 3: Week 1
It is easy in that you have less to study and generally the first class is shorter, and mainly just a "getting to know everyone" session. It is hard in that you have to find your classes, and that is not as easy as it sounds! One would think that this being my 3rd semester I'd know where the classrooms are by now...One would think!
The problem is that some classes were renumbered, and then the first floor of Campus North (the graduate part of campus that houses: seminary, law school, counseling and a few other grad areas) is a maze (honestly, that is how it is described by EVERYONE)! So finding your way around is not always easy. I know where all the 1800 classrooms are.
The seminary has a hallway (actually 2 hallways now!) on the 2nd floor and they are long corridors, and easy to navigate, all the classrooms are on one side! So that is nice, but a few were redone and renumbered, but still easy to find.
It was my other two: room 1615 (for pre-marital/marital counseling) and room 1745 (for counseling 501-ethics of counseling). I gave myself enough time to find them, which is good. I figured that 1500 is down on one end, and the 1800's are in The Maze, so the 1600's and 1700's would be to, that just makes sense, right?
Well, twas not the reality. It appears that they are both in the Law School! And to get to the LS you have to go outside and around the building. Not all that bad, but here is the kicker- all law students and faculty can open the doors into the law school! You have to have an electronic card to unlock the doors (due to accreditation reasons and the fact that they have SUPER nice classrooms!). Plus, they are strict about their dress code. So 2 days a week I get to wear skirts and nice shirts (which I don't mind, I just don't have very many that will work...so I need to invest in some more suit type clothing). So, to get into the building you have to hope someone with access is there!
So that was my first week! All in all it went pretty well. I like the profs and I think the material will be interesting. I love my schedule!!! It is a dream schedule, so I'm excited. I hope that everyone had a great week.
Have a blessed weekend!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Yesterday in DC...
We found one, like 12 blocks from where we wanted to be, but it was in the shade, so that is always nice! We get out and we have like 20 minutes to get to the Washington Monument in time for our tour. We make it and then we get to wait in line for our turn (you go up in groups of 10-12). It finally happens. We get inside, make it through the metal detectors and get in the elevator and up we go! The views were fantastic (to see pictures go to my webshots page)!
After the Washington Monument it was time to walk back to the car and drive over to Union Station to pick up another friend (the whole reason for the trip in the first place). That went off without a hitch. And then we drove from Union Station over to Chipotle (on R and CT- right off of Dupont Circle), and actually found a great parking job (and I paralleled great, thank you very much!) about a block away (I know, rock star parking!). We met Lee's sister and brother in law (they live in the area) for lunch. Lunch was fun.
After lunch the plan was to head back to the monument district (as I call it) and take pictures, see the sights, etc. and then head home (to be back for the Saddleback political forum). Well, we say good-bye to our friends, and head to my car (that had been working great- even the a/c was putting out some cool air- which hardly ever happens). We get in, and NOTHING! So I pray and try again, NOTHING!
So we call Lee's family to see if they can come a jump the car (I keep cables with me). We jump it and...yep you're exactly right...NOTHING happens! So we give it a few minutes to rest, and try again. It didn't work, so then we have to call Triple A (we had looked for other problems, but there was nothing apparent that was wrong with my car). We call them and get a tow truck scheduled (it was going to take about an hour to get there) to come, so Mr. Roboto could get towed back to the burg.
We are waiting and about 10 minutes later we think (after praying again) that we have nothing better to do, so we might as well try one last time. So I get out my cables (I had put them away) and we hook them up and we try one last time. SUCCESS! The car starts! Way to go GOD!!!
We then decide that I have about half a tank of gas, so filling up would be a good idea. We get in our cars and drive away (we do drive by the National Cathedral and the bells are going off and it is music to my ears). We get gas and are on the way south! Things seem to be looking up!
We exit 66W for 29S as we needed to. There are 2 points at which 29S meets up with 66W. I chose the northern point because 66W was stop and go the whole way, and I thought 29S might be less congested. For the first few (I'd say about 20) it was smooth sailing. And then we hit a detour. The detour is taking us W and I want to be going S, but I can only go on the roads they take me, so I deal with it. Well then our detoured route gets detoured (go figure!) and we are heading N now! NORTH- I love DC, but I want to be going HOME!!! Well, what can ya do about it!?! And it was bumper to bumper, stop and go traffic for 11 miles.
To make a long story, a wee bit shorter, we end getting taken back to 66W where we got onto 29S!!! So a 3 hr drive took over 4 hours! But finally we made it and I parked in front of my house! I was so excited to be home and give my Queens a hug!
I'm disappointed that we didn't get to see and tour much of DC and I didn't get many pictures at all (and I looked cute too since I was planning on getting lots of pictures)! But we are home and my car eventually worked, and I can take it to my mechanic tomorrow to make sure everything is ok. So it ended fine, it was just a day to remember. A day that tested grace under pressure and stress management!
My next trip comes up soon and will be taking me to NC. Hopefully that one will be just as memorable, but in a less stressful way!
I have today and tomorrow to recover and ponder my weekend and then classes start for me on Tuesday!
Have a blessed week!
He May Not...
But He will guide you through the curves!
He may not ease all your heartache,
But He will catch all your tears!
He may not move the sun from behind the clouds,
But He will provide a lamp for your dark path.
He may not allow you to sing a single not on key,
But He will love every minute you sing praise to Him.
He may not prevent the trial from occurring,
But He will be your best advocate, and a fair judge.
Jesus may not make life easy and carefree for His beloved,
But He will forgive, redeem, defend, comfort and guide them.
So many emotions are floating through me right now. Most of them are of a morose nature- and it feels like no matter what I do, I have this nagging sense of sadness about me, sometimes right on the surface, sometimes buried deep. Would I love for Jesus to remove and guide to true joy and some momentary happiness? Of course, but if not I will always Praise the Lord, for I serve a risen Savior! My joy depends not on the lifting of the sadness, but the firm knowledge and belief that "some bright morning when this life is o'er, I'll fly away, to a place on God's celestial shore!" It may not happen this morning, it may not happen in this lifetime, but it will eventually happen, and eternally I face a zillion life times of getting to dance for, sing to, bow do and adore my GOD, My JESUS! I get to spend forever and a day with my Lover, Friend, Jehovah, my Jesus, my All and All!
Already thinking about that helps. I know that He may not remove the pain in this lifetime, but I know that He will be right here with me, going through it as well. For He has promised me that "I will never leave you, nor will I forsake you." How marvelous! How wonderful! And my song will ever be!
O may those thousand tongues start singing of our Great Redeemers praise! I for one will sing of His love forever, I will sing of His love forever! Over the mountains and the seas, I love to tell the story- because I know tis true! He is a mighty fortress, a bulwark never failing, but he is also my vision, the Lord of my heart!
Even if we go through 70 years of pain and sorrow, 70 years of life that seems horrendously dreadful, may we still join Paul in the conviction that NO MATTER WHAT, WE WILL PRAISE the LORD!
Because He may not... But He always will work for our good!
Friday, August 15, 2008
U-S-A, U-S-A, U-S-A!!!!
Only a few Americans have won the Olympics (individual) all around: Mary Lou, Carly Patterson and now Nastia Liukin. What prestigious company! And Shawn Johnson is no slouch. This is only the 2nd time in major competition that Nastia has edged her out.
I love gymnastics- it is a sport of definite skill, strength, stamina, beauty and grace under pressure. There is a lot that needs to be changed in my sport, but there is also so much good in it as well. I hate that it is only spotlighted for a few months every 4 years.
Most people know the infamous flaws in the gymnastics system: the eating disorders that come from a sport that is judged on looks. There is also the huge potential for injury, from the frustrating to the deadly. The only sport that rivals gymnastics for its injury potential is American Football. Gymnastics is not a sport for whimps- it is a sport for the brave- in more ways than one.
For the women you have to do so much.
On vault: you propel yourself down the runway, rocket off a springboard, bounce off the vaulting table, flip through the air and try to land on your feet, without moving them!
On the floor: you dance, you flip (multiple times) you twirl and you try your best to stay in bounds and look graceful.
On the uneven p-bars: you have to mount them, use your abs and your arms to flip over them, swing over them, go from 1 to another, do handstands, and then propel yourself off of them by doing a series of flips, and once again land in a "stuck" landing.
on the balance beam(my favorite): you have to get on it. It is over 4 feet from the ground. And then you have to stay on it, which is not that easy because it is only 4 inches wide. The key here is to keep your hips centered over the beam. But you are not just walking up and the down the 10 feet. You are flipping, turning, jumping and flying. And then you have to dismount- once again in a flip that lands in a "stick".
If that doesn't sound hard enough- you have to make everything look beautiful and easy! Man- what a wonderful sport!!! Don't you just love it!!! I do- I admire what these girls are doing, it is gorgeous.
Ok- you might have noticed that scoring has changed. No longer are scores just worth 10.0 these days. Scores have 2 parts: the A score is based on how difficult your routine is- most Olympic level routines are anywhere from 5.2 in difficulty up to 7.9. This difficulty is based on the type of moves you do, and how you connect them to each other. The B score is the more traditional looking score. For the B score everyone starts with a 10.0 and every little mistake you make gets subtracted from that 10. And then the A tally and the B tally are added together and you have your score. In these Olympics we saw everything from 11.0 to 16.9- a wide range. Most girls average in the 15's or low 16's.
So that is my sport- the sport of graceful daredevilism I like to think. And to think that 2 teenagers from the USA just achieved the sport's highest honor!!! WOW! WAY TO GO!!!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Rules for Men
1. The FEMALE always makes the rules.
2. The RULES are subject to change at any time without prior notification...by the FEMALE.
3. No MALE can possibly know all the RULES.
4. If the FEMALE suspects the MALE knows all the RULES, she must immediately change some or all of them.
5. The FEMALE is never wrong.
6. If the FEMALE is wrong, it is due to a misunderstanding which was a direct result of something the MALE did or said wrong. 7. The MALE must apologize immediately for causing the misunderstandings. 8. The FEMALE may change her mind at any time. 9. The MALE must never change his mind without the express written consent of the FEMALE. 10. The FEMALE has every right to be angry or upset at any time. 11. The MALE must remain calm at all times, unless the FEMALE wants him to be angry or upset. 12. The FEMALE must, under no circumstances, let the MALE know whether or not she wants him to be angry or upset. 13. The Male is expected to "mind read" at all times. 14. The MALE who doesn't abide by THE RULES; can't take the heat, lacks backbone, and is a wimp! 15. Any attempt to document THE RULES could result in bodily harm. 16. The FEMALE is ready when SHE is ready. 17. The MALE must be ready at ALL times
Rules For Women
2. Birthdays, Anniversaries, and Valentine's Day are not quests to top what I did last year.
3. Sometimes we are not thinking about you. Live with it.
4. Sunday = sports. Its like the full moon or the changing of the seasons. Let it be.
5. Don't cut your hair, ever. Long hair is always more attractive than short hair. One of the big reasons guys fear getting married is that married women always cut their hair, and by that time it is too late for us- we are stuck.
6. Shopping is NOT a sport. And no we are never going to think of it as one.
7. Crying is blackmail.
8. Ask for what you want. Let us be clear on this one: Subtle hints do not work! Strong hints do not work! Obvious hints do not work! Just say it!
9. We don't remember dates. Mark birthdays and anniversaries on a calendar. Remind us frequently beforehand.
11. Yes and No are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question.
12. Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it. That's what we do. Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for.
13. A headache that lasts for 17 months is a problem. See a doctor.
14. Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument. In fact, all comments become null and void after 7 days.
15. If you think you're fat, you probably are. Don't ask us. We refuse to answer.
16. If something we said can be interpreted two ways, and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, we meant the other one.
17. You can either ask us to do something or tell us how you want it done. Not both. If you already know best how to do it, just do it yourself.
18. Whenever possible, please say whatever you have to say during commercials.
19. Christopher Columbus did not need directions, and neither do we.
21. ALL men see in only 16 colors, like Windows default settings. Peach, for example, is a fruit, not a color. Pumpkin is also a fruit. We have no idea what mauve is.
22. If it itches, it will be scratched. We do that.
23. We are not mind readers and we never will be. Our lack of mind-reading ability is not proof of how little we care about you.
24. If we ask what is wrong and you say "nothing," we will act like nothing's wrong. We know you are lying, but it is just not worth the hassle.
25. If you ask a question you don't want an answer to, expect an answer you don't want to hear.
26. When we have to go somewhere, absolutely anything you wear is fine. Really.
27. Don't ask us what we're thinking about unless you are prepared to discuss such topics as navel lint, the shotgun formation, or monster trucks.
28. You have enough clothes.
29. You have too many shoes.
30. Foreign films are best left to foreigners. (Unless it's Bruce Lee or some war flick where it doesn't really matter what they're saying anyway.)
31. It is neither in your best interest or ours to take the quiz together. No, it doesn't matter which quiz.
32. I am in shape. ROUND is a shape.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
A Note...
So anyway- that was the impetus of the poem. It is dedicated to all military persons: SF, SOF, Army, CG, NAVY, MC, AF.
It is also specially dedicated to those serving that I know personally!!!
A Civilian's Ode to the USA SF

You love your country with an unfathomable zeal.
Each day you get up, not knowing what it will bring, or where you'll be.
Each night you come to bed knowing you did a top notch job.
For all that you do for our country I love you so much it hurts.
You sense of duty goes far beyond normal imagination.
Your sense of honor is unsurpassed in today's apathetic culture.
Your sense of patriotism burns deep within your very soul.
Your sense of volunteerism takes you to the ends of the world.
For all that you do for our country I love you so much it hurts.
Your initial training took everything you had, and then some.
Your continual training makes you the elite warrior, in every sense.
Dedication is not just a word for you, but a lifestyle- your breath.
Loyalty is a word that you and your unit live and survive by.
For all that you do for our country I love you so much it hurts.
Your life is forged in the blood, sweat, tears and turmoil of hardship.
Your duty is not just your password, it is what wakes you up in the morning.
To free the oppressed is the goal of your life, and the beat of your heart.
You liberate those that are less fortunate, and bound by too heavy a yoke to bear.
For all that you do for our country I love you so much it hurts.
No one forced you to take up this calling, you asked for it yourself.
You trained hard and you trained long, you took it upon yourself.
You forfeit time with your friends, family, neighbors and loved ones.
You give up many of the luxuries that you fight to protect and preserve.
For all that you do for our country I love you so much it hurts.
Thank you for loving America to the very depth of your soul and beyond.
Thank you for answering the volunteer call to duty and arms.
Thank you for your patriotism, courage, strength, love, and optimism.
Thank you for all that you do that you can not share with those you love most.
For all you do for our country I love you so much that it hurts.
Our current battle is not popular, nor is it a conventional, easy fight.
Our current battle is fought in secret, in danger and in hardship.
Our current battle is what you live for- for we must win it at all costs.
Our current battle is to free the oppressed and to protect our freedoms.
For all that, and oh so much more, I love you all and always will.
May God always be on our side, and may you remember that it is He-
It is God who leads your group, and God who you must depend upon.
It is God that is with you and with me, when I can not be at your side.
It is God that protects you and give you wisdom, intelligence and strength.
May you always remember that you are loved and appreciated- now go forth!
Remember the motto: De Oppresso Liber!
"Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then I said, "Here am I. Send me." (Is. 6:8)
Friday, August 8, 2008
Tonight's Dream...Aboard Air Force 1
I was part of the President's (a 50 year old man from Wyoming: Mr. Matthew Hill) entourage (assistant to the Press Secretary) and we were leaving Texas where we had been for a campaign stop (Pres. Hill was up for re-election). Everyone traveling on AF1 was aboard, and Pres. Hill was in his office meeting with his Joint Chiefs about the current crisis we were in (a skirmish with Brazil). There was going to be a movie shown: Indiana Jones Gets Married.
Most people got comfortable to watch the movie, but I was in another room (of the plane) meeting with Sam Seaborn, Toby Ziegler, Charley Young (all as the characters they are in West Wing) and the press secretary Elaine Chow (a woman who is actually a cabinent member in real life).
Our meeting was about the President's use of AF1- and how the American people perceive his use of it. The crux was actually that the public thought he needed to use it more than he does. They are paying for it to be maintained, than it should be used. We also talked about the Pres. being afraid of flying. So much so that he will sometimes have the plane driven on the interstate, if he is going only 200 miles away. We discussed the American public's thoughts on this.
I wandered at that point back into the room where everyone else was watching Indy Jones and sat and watched for a bit, but my seat wasn't comfortable, and the girl behind me kept bothering me. Finally she leaned over to whisper to me "Look at the assistant Sec'y of Ed. He's a little excited...don't you think!" and she giggled.
Well, being all proper, I chose not to look, but in lieu of that I went to the back of the room and all of a sudden there were my parents! My real life parents just appeared on AF1- halfway through its flight. Strange. Anyway, I talked to them and my sis (assistant to the Deputy Chief of Staff). Then Mom and Dad said that "we are so proud of you that we got you something." and then they showed me this video on their cell phone (at that point I KNEW this wasn't reality!!!) of Dad parking this Honda Fit in my Georgetown Apartment (I didn't have a car of my own, but a parking space came with the apt). It was painted this really neat orange plaid design. Normally I'm not a fan of orange, but I dreamed a beautiful paint job!
So, I thank my parents and am excited to go see it and drive it, but I'm on the plane still! So I show my parents to the movie room, and they decide to just wander around AF1. So I let them. I go off to see how the mtg I was in was progressing. I am quickly caught up on the convo. But I start to have a panic attack, so I gracefully leave to find a quiet room to be in. My sis wanders in, cuz she saw me get up, and wondered what was up. So she sits with me and gets out her cell and calls my boyfriend, who just happens to be on the plane (in my dream my boyfriend was on the JCOS staff- army part). He cames back to take of me, so Kris can get back to work.
We talk through the panic attack and when things get back to normal my boyfriend says "there is something I've been wanting to ask you for awhile, and things keep getting in the way, so I am going to ask you now, before we are interrupted again." and he gets up and triple locks the door. "Will you marry me?" he asks as he is down on one knee, and he pulls out a velvet box and inside it is a gorgeous ring (of course it was gorgeous, it was a dream!). The ring has a round blue sapphire in the middle, and each side of it is a little round red ruby, and on each side of the rubies are tiny round diamonds. All this is set in white gold.
I admire the ring for a few seconds before realizing I haven't said anything! "Why of course I will, I love you!" I say as I lean down, put my hands on his face and kiss him. The kiss ends and he slips the ring on my finger and it fits perfectly, and we hug and smile and all that lovey-dovey stuff.
I then decide that I should probably get back to the meeting, and my boyfriend should probably check in with his boss. First though I wander into the movie room and there is a huge fiasco going on. Some people (there were like 20 in the room) got together and wanted to sue the poor man who had earlier gotten "excited" during the movie . He had been in a corner (his seat) and with his slacks it was hardly obvious, or so I learned as I sorted this mess out. And it had been dark. So I couldn't figure out what the fuss was all about. I'm trying to get people to calm down and see that the man was embarrassed as heck, and felt bad, and that these things happen. We are all adults, just move on. But the ultra conservatives in the room wanted to make an example of this. Finally I got them to tear up the grievence paper they were going to take to Pres. Hill.
At that point I knew the flight had to be nearing its end. We had been flying for what seemed like forever. So I wander back to my meeting, and nothing exciting or productive is being said, so I go in search of my new fiancee. I find him in a back room, looking out a window right behind the right wing. I join him (it is a nice sized window) and we are descending and coming straight at us from a bunch of clouds is a TWA 747.
Obviously our pilot sees it, because we immediately begin evasive manuevers, but there is only so much manueverability you can do with a 747. The TWA flight hits us right behind our right wing, and on the belly of the plane. We kinda bounce. My fiancee and I have nothing to hold on to, so we slide across the floor and he hits his head. Before he passes out I hear him mutter "damn those radar people, this shouldn't happen, we have to be under attack". Then he passes out. I try to revive him, but to no avail. Then I run back and look out the window, we are descending, and the earth is coming up quickly, and it is Lake DeSmet (between Sheridan and Buffalo, Wyoming). I puzzle over that, as we should have been going back to go to the White House. The TWA flight is still on our tail, following us, and the pilot has the plane somewhat under control.
I heard a noise, so I looked outside and saw 4 f-16's out the right window in the back and one fires and takes out the TWA flight. Then I decide I better wake up, before we crash. So I decide to wake up. I remember conciously deciding to wake-up.
It was an interesting episode in my sub-concious, so I thought I'd share it with everyone! Let me tell ya, my creative side comes out when I'm half asleep and asleep!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
My 100th Post!!! Sports on my Mind
Today was my endurance day- there is a hill by my place and 3 x's a week I run up and down it 3 x's and then jog home-and to cool off I walk one circuit around the neighborhood. Then I come in and spend 12-15 mins doing kick boxing (using my punching bag) and I end it all with a 15 min. ab/butt work out! So now I'm ready to bathe and begin the relaxing part of my evening!
But, while I had a few things on my mind I wanted to share them. As most of us know by now Favre is now wearing a NY Jets green #4 jersey. As much as I LOVE the Packers, and I still do. But, I think the Packers' management handled this wrong from the beginning. When a man that is arguably the BEST QB ever, or in everyone's top 5, says that he wants to come back and play... you DON'T say "naw we are going to go with a young QB that on one of his 1st snaps in the NFL was injured and out for the season." That is just folly, it is foolish- and the BIBLE has a lot to say about fools. So, with that being said, I think that if Favre wants to play than he should, so I'm glad he went to the Jets (I like their coach better than Gruden of Tampa- the other team considered) and is going to play. As much as I want to see the Lombardi Trophy back in GB, I do think it would serve Ted Thompson and Mark Murphy right for the Packers to face the Jets in the Superbowl and for Favre and the Jets to win. That would be poetic justice and vindication for the game's biggest lesson, and would really close this whole un-retirement saga!
The other issue on my mind is the Olympics. The opening ceremonies don't even air for 24 more hours, but already that has been drama for the gymnastics world. On the men's side both Hamm twins had to withdraw due to insurmountable injuries. Injuries that likely closed their competitive careers as athletes. It is quite possible to see the twins as coaches- any school or gym would be blessed to have them. It is too bad that they couldn't compete. I now think that without them it is looking like gold is out of the picture. It was going to be a dog fight with those 2, but the team lost its 2 best gymnasts. One the women's side it has been quieter, but the spotlight is on Chelsie Memmel to see if the sprained ankle is going to be a factor. If you know anything about gymnastics you know that gymnasts compete with worse injuries than a silly sprained ankle, so I think she'll be fine, but only time will tell.
Have a blessed evening! Ciao!
-Jessie lee/Paige Turner-
Monday, August 4, 2008
Never Enough
So, why is that in recent years I have become like Monica? My house is never clean enough, never organized enough to suit me. I know that some of it is my need to control. There isn't much that I can control in this world: I can't guarantee my safety, my income, what friends and family will do. I can't control the control, or to some extent my emotions. But I can control how my house looks. So, I do. I clean and organize and rearrange, constantly. Partly I do enjoy the labor- because it pretty immediate gratification. It doesn't take that long to go from a floor that needs to be swept, to a floor that is swept and mopped and shines.
Yet, there is always something else to do. Once I finish dusting, there is probably dust where I first started. Once I finish vacuuming, my cat has probably left some hair somewhere. Yet, I do it. Because when I have people over I want to have a clean house. I want it to appear that I'm an organized, clean person.
Isn't that a metaphor for the Christian life? No matter how often we clean up our lives, there is still some growth left, some other sin in our lives. No matter how much we scrub ourselves, we still are not clean enough to get into Heaven. Our cleanest is still filthy compared to God. It is never enough. We can't DO anything to please Him.
Yet, we don't have to. That is the amazing thing about God. He sees us, filth and all and says "I love you." He wants the memories with us- not the cleanliness. Our relationship with Him is not about how clean we are before Him, because we aren't. It is about being with Him. Just being. That is such a comfort.
Yet, we try to clean up our lives. Not because we have to, for no work we do will earn us Heaven, but because it is a sign of respect and love. Just like I clean my house so that my friends and family can be more relaxed and comfortable, and as an act of love. I clean up my life and try to keep it clean out of love and respect for God.
Even now as I think upon the memories I have in this townhouse, they not memories of where my couch was (it has been in so many places, who can remember!?!) but of what I was doing and the people I was with, or the talks I had with Christ.
I will probably keep on being supra organized, needing to control that aspect of my life, that will never change. I just hope as I'm doing it I'm making sure that my life is cleaner and more organized than my house.
Oh, and I should probably learn to curb the rearranging habit before I get married...!