Tuesday, February 19, 2008

February Marches On

Today is Feb. 19, 2008 (in case the date is wrong when I post). I have a myriad of thoughts going through my head, I don't know exactly what to say here.

Seminary is an interesting place to spend some time. Especially for a person like yours truely. I consider myself to be erudite, yet the longer I spend at seminary the more I realize just how much about the Bible and Christianity I DON'T know! It is rather humbling. For instance, I couldn't tell you the 5 points of Calvinism off the top of my head. So in order to grow more I looked them up. Many websites included the acronym TULIP as a memory device.
Total depravity
Unconditional Election
Limited Atonement (or Particular Atonement)
Irresistable Grace
Perseverance of Saints (aka Once Save Always Saved)

Ok, so I am filling in the gaps that I realize I have in my theology. According to many websites the are two main views or camps in evangelical christianity, Calvinism and Arminianism. The TULIP above is not a totality of the views of Calvinism, and Arminianism is not 100% the opposite of Calvinism. I think that I fall somewhere in the middle though. I do believe in eternal security. I tend to shy away from limited atonement.

Limited atonement (as near as I can tell from my studies) says that Jesus ONLY died for those people that God elected to be His people (or Christians). I think God died for everyone. This brings me to a discussion I somewhat participated in today with a few friends at lunch.

I eat with the same small group on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I am usually the only girl with 2-4 other men. We eat on Main Street at TRBC. Generally this is a time for what I call "seminary discussions" to ensue. The boys talk about their views on everything from what went on in classes to reformed theology to is Hell a place with literal flames.

One of the boys mentioned today that I am a good listener, and can spark a good topic, but I rarely share my views on the subject at hand. I just smiled and nodded. There is a reason though-half the time I don't know what they are talking about, so I don't have a view! I don't share anything because I am a firm believer that in the advice of Solomon, to basically keep my mouth shut so people don't know my ignorance. These convos are great though, because I am really starting to dig in and think about "what do I really believe about such and such".

I am growing just as much from these conversations as I am from my classes, maybe even more so. The classes are a lot of theory and lecture, but these conversations are really a place to put what I am learning, and other areas of theology into practice.

January flew by, I could not believe it when I had to flip the calendar to February. But, now February is marching by at a snail's pace. Seems like it should be March already. Not that I want to wish my life away or anything, but still. Maybe it is because I have so much to anticipate in March. Celebrating a friends' bdays, my Mom's bday, and my 25th!!! Not only that, but I get to fly out to see my sis and her family (and Lambeau)! That will be great. Spring Break (my bday, isn't God awesome that way!!!) should be a blast. I also get to see my NC family for a short time.

I could use prayer that I am able to budget my time wisely and completely finish everything I want to finish before Spring Break. Here is what I want to accomplish before March 14, 2008
1) Write my NT term paper (on Paul's view of the role of women in church)
2) Finish the last 200 pages of reading for my NT reading log
3) read 800 pgs for EVAN (I've read 230 so far...got a ways to go...I have to read 1400 bythe end of the semester)
4) read the last 4 books for PACO
5) finish my part of the powerpoint presentation for PACO

Those are the 5 things I want to finish for class. Not to mention the daily studying, Bible reading and taking of mid-terms (my 1st midterm is on Tuesday in Theo)! Ahh-the life of a student. Sounds like fun, huh!!!

Well, I guess I better go now and get to work. I have to type up a question I have after reading the 2nd half of Romans, and then I want to go to bed. I could also use some prayer that I can get some restful sleep soon-I am running near empty right now. Thanks for everythinig. May you turn to Christ today and deepen in your understanding, knowledge and love for our most wonderful, beautiful, amazing, holy, just, loving, powerful, and worthy Savior.

Praying for you always!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's an excessive amount of reading! Good luck!