Monday, May 24, 2010

Godly Pursuit #4: Speech

This is an area where I really struggle, so I've struggled with penning this entry. I don't want to come off as a hypocrite, but I do want to admit that it is something to pursue.

Colossians 3:8, "But now you must rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips." (NIV) We are told to cease our use of bad/naughty/unnecessary language. In other words, there is no need to hear a Christian cussing. I struggle because it seems that at times those words, and we all know them, are just so satisfying to say. I do seem to feel better when I say them. They are quite expressive, people know what you mean when you use those words.

The Bible tells me that I need to use different language. And, not just a replacement. There should be no reason that I want to cuss. I should quit, because it isn't holy. God wants us to live holy lives, to be set apart. To show the world that there is something different, and that the difference is the salvation Christ offers, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Dropping the "f-bomb" when I get hurt is not how I glorify God. Saying S**T when I'm frustrated isn't edifying, and it sure isn't any different than what a non-Christian would do.

I'm preaching more to myself today, than anyone else, because my friends know that my language can be quite colorful, but not real erudite.

Jesus commands us in Matthew 22:37 (NIV) "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind."

If we honestly love God with everything, our speech will show that love, and it will be seasoned not with profanity, gossip, and lies, but with words that bring glory to Him, with words that share His gift with others.

Godly speech is not just about putting an end to cussing, though that is one area where I struggle. Godly speech is also about our conversations. Gossip isn't godly, and lies are not godly. Not only must we watch the words we use, but we need to pursue conversations that bring glory to God and that if overheard by non Christians, will turn them toward Christ, or at least make them think.

Pursue Godly speech--make it a daily habit.

In Christ,

1 comment:

So this is how it goes. said...

When I was in college my prof once said that people who use the "f-bomb" and other such words only end up sounding stupid. Her argument is that using swear words every other word of your speech is not very creative. She would remind us that as college graduates we should know more that a few four letter words to describe things. I think she has a good point. If you think about it someone who swears
So, in not swearing (which I myself have a problem with at times) not only will we be glorifying God with our language but we'll also not sound like we can't think of any other adjectives, verbs, nouns, etc.