Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Growing Up

If you have ever been around me on my birthday or Christmas you will know that presents do not stay wrapped for very long when I am around! It isn't that I'm greedy and I want the loot...I am just curious, "What is wrapped in that package?". I'm like the cat that curiosity killed, only like the cat, satisfaction brings me back! I am just the same with presents I wrap! I know what is in them, but the allure of ripping into the package is just too great!

But this year I decided that I would resist the temptation and I did it! I didn't open any cards or gifts before my birthday yesterday!!! I am so proud of myself, I must be growing up or something!!! How cool is that???

One of my friends went on the seminary spring break trip to Israel (I think he even gets credit for it...) and I can't wait to hear all about his trip and see his 1000 photos. Thinking about that has reminded me of my 1997 trip to Israel and I wish that I was not so sick during that pilgrimage, because I didn't get to participate in as much as I would have liked. As gross as it is, I remember the trip based on where I was and was not sick.

But as I reflect on that trip I am reminded of how blessed I am. Yes, I didn't get to do everything, but I did a lot and I loved what I did get to do. For me the highlight was Hezekiah's Tunnel. I just love that story and getting to be there was just amazing. Oh and getting baptized in the Jordan River. It was all just great.

What do you have from the past few years to reflect upon? Do you have a travel moment that stands out to you? Why?


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