Monday, November 1, 2010

Yet Another Strange Dream

I think I may be the queen of strange dreams. I had another one this am. It started out well, and ended horribly.

D and I were married and we had just celebrated our 5th anniversary. For our anniversary he bought me tickets to go stay with a friend that lived in Hawaii! It meant a week with a good friend and a week away from the responsibilities of wife and motherhood (we had 2 young kids) How sweet is he!?! My friend loves cats, so naturally I took Queenie with me. Somewhere along the way I lost her carrying case (that comes into play later).

My friend Haley and I had a BLAST! I learned how to surf, we ate yummy foods, visited gorgeous sites, chatted and I was able to relax, relax, relax. Finally the day to leave Hawaii came. Haley had to work, so I was going to take a cab to the airport.

Well, at her house it was a MESS. I couldn't find my suitcase and then everything I had to pack kept multiplying on me, till I was taking a whole closet full of stuff home. All I could find to pack it in were the little shirt boxes from department stores! And, I couldn't find anything to carry Queenie in!

The more frustrated I got, the more the stuff multiplied (and boxes started to disappear). Queenie found an open window and high tailed it to the ocean water. At that point I just screamed (out of frustration) and went to retrieve her, but I couldn't find her.

Finally, I did. She was...SURFING with the Stitch character from Lilo and Stitch. Queenie and I went inside, only when we got there we were not inside the bungalow anymore, we were at the airport and the TSA people were telling me I couldn't just carry Queenie, she had to be in something.

I didn't know what to do! I had my cat and my purse (and all tickets) and nothing else! I didn't know where to go to get a cat box, and my plane was due to take off in 30 minutes! I was frantic, they were not going to let Queenie come with me. I couldn't let that happen.

Just then, my cell rings. It is Haley, yelling at me for leaving her house a disaster. I had Queenie meowing to get down, TSA people telling me to get a carrier, and Haley yelling at me to come clean the house. I just hung up on her, and looked up to see a cop coming toward me.

At that point I woke up! I was never so glad to see my cat as I was this am! I also checked the closet for her carrier (and it was there)!

I'm now exhausted and it is only 7:40am! At least it was only a dream, and now I'm awake and can focus on cleaning a house that won't explode into messiness! Have a blessed Monday folks and HAPPY NOVEMBER!!!!!

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