Thursday, March 13, 2008

March 13, 2008: Forgiveness

Forgiveness. During Lent and Easter it is natural for Christians to ponder the amazing act of forgiveness.

Forgiveness was not around in the beginning. During the glory of the Garden days: Adam, Eve and God spent time together, and because the people were without sin they did not need forgiveness. Then came the Fall. God was angry and hurt, but God is loving, and He chose to forgive His children. God is just and holy and He could not just forgive them, there had to be a sacrifice. The clothing the two wore were the signs of the first blood offering. Animals had to die, so that man and woman could be forgiven. God still punished the pair, because that is how life works there are repercussions, but He forgave them.

From then on there was a need for an innocent to die for people to be forgiven. Many cultures practiced sacrifice. God set it out. In God's order though the sacrifice was through animals (and plants) and it was continual. Something perfect had to be sacrificed.

Jesus chose to take on human form and become the final offering. Because He was offering Himself, and He lived a perfect life He (Jesus) was able to be the once and for all sin offering. Jesus' work that first Easter weekend accomplished the path to forgiveness.

God is the model of forgiveness. He came down, and died on the cross so that we, these despicable creatures that choose to go against Him all the time, could still have a chance to spend eternity with Him in Heaven. Hallelujah!

As followers of Christ, people who claim to love Him and yearn to serve Him, we are called to forgive others. This is much easier said than done. We teach our children to apologize and forgive, but most often for them it is lip service. "I have to forgive you so mommy will let me go out and play." True forgiveness is rare and special.

To forgive, and to be forgiven is humbling. Because true forgiveness only comes from God. It is the power of God that gives us the ability to say "I love you, but more importantly God loves you, and because of that love I am going to forgive you and keep on loving you, as if the wrong never happened." There might still be natural repercussions, such as a child lying to a parent, and the parent forgiving the child, but trusting them less.

Forgiveness is precious. It is a gift that we give others, but that we also give ourselves. Allowing ourselves to forgive and to live with a heart of forgiveness is freeing. It allows us to bask in the joy of the Lord. We don't have to be to bitter. God has forgiven each of us for so much, how can we not forgive others, if we truly love them and love God?

That first Easter weekend was an amazing point in history-the most pivotal point in history. Life changed forever on that weekend. No longer do people have to worry if they have done the right sacrifice, if they picked the right sacrifice, or any number of things. Now, we turn to Scripture to find the truth and we choose to believe in the Truth. We repent in prayer and we are forgiven-set free to love, forgive and bring Glory to God. Free with the knowledge that nothing can seperate us from Him love, and His forgiveness. Free to go out and share this great joy with others. Sharing Christ should be natural. Our relationship with Christ should be so joyful that we can't help but want all people to experience the same. It may not always be easy, but there should always be Godly joy.

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