Thursday, March 13, 2008

March 13, 2008

For my next paper I plan to write about the Church of Scientology, and how Christians should approach the cult. With more and more celebrities joining the "church" I think it is urgent that Christians become aware of what Scientology professes. In this post modern age Christians need to be aware of what is out there, and what people are believing so that they can use the knowledge to reach people with the Truth, and that is that Jesus is God, He is part of the Trinity. God created us, loves us, and in our depravity chose to make a way (Jesus' death on the cross and resurrection) for us (humans) to be reconciled to Him, so that we have a choice other than Hell. If we choose to follow God and acknowledge the truth of Scripture than we can assured that our names are in the Book of Life.

There are so many options in the world today. A person can believe anything they want, and most likely there is already a church (or similar setting) to "fellowship" with people of similar beliefs: be you a Trekkie (sp?), Wiccan, Satanist, Scientologist, Moonie, follower of Dan Brown or if you believe that the Statue of Liberty (or maybe my bicycle) is an actual god, you can. It would be a heady task to list all the things people believe in.

Christians need to be better educated than over. The best way to fight false religions is to know them well enough to poke holes. We Christians are to love God with all our heart, soul and mind. Loving God with our minds entails learning as much about Him and His creation as possible.

I am excited about the paper I am endeavoring to write. I hope to be finished by April. Before that though may our Lord bless you as you ponder and enjoy the glory of Easter. Easter is a great celebration-we get to praise God for all that He did for us through His Son on the cross, and all that He continues to do for us each and every day. I am so amazed at the wonderful love of Christ!

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