Saturday, July 24, 2010

MY Purpose Driven Life

I went to a family reunion this afternoon. It was a lot of fun, relaxing and HOT. It was a typical summer day here in central Virginia and that means that it was near 100 if not actually there. We were right on a gorgeous and that helped. Not to mention being out in God's wonderful creation.

There were door prizes and everyone won something. I won "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren. As much as I love to read and stay current on what is going on in the world of devotionals, I've never actually read this tome that has been called one of the most influential books in the 20th century. Being as it is now the 21st century, I figured that since it was free to me I'd give it a go.

Tonight I began with day 1. I don't want to just steal all Rick's work and give you the whole book here, for free (that would be illegal) I do want to share the Question to Consider. Tonight (and tomorrow till evening devotion time when I read day 2) I'm to consider how I am going to stay focused on remembering that I'm not here (on earth) for me, but for God.

That is big. The point I think, is to realize that this life is not about you, it is not about me. Life is about God. Life was created by God, and each life ends at God's command-we can't outlive God's purpose. It isn't about "God help me do what I want to do." It is about "God help to live YOUR purpose."

Humans are by nature narcissistic. To quote Mr. Warren (if I may) " is about letting God use you for HIS purposes, not your using him for your own purpose." Too often we pray to God to help us accomplish what WE want. And while our wants may not be bad, it is still a self-centered focus. We need to pray for wisdom to get ourselves out of the way, so that God can work through us.

This isn't easy. I struggle with this and I can see that lately I've been REALLY struggling in this area. I'm looking for a new full time job and I've been praying "God help me find a job that will fulfill my dreams, that will help do what I love." and yes, some of the things I love are Godly and good. But, I think I need to change how I've been praying. In lieu of my current prayers I need to start praying in a new vein.

"God help me to see Your greater plan, to understand why I am here and what You want from my life. Help me to stay out of Your way, so that through Your guidance I can go about each do fulfilling Your purpose. Help me to remember to always look to Christ, because He provides all the identity I need. Thank You for thinking of ME when You created the world. Most of all, help me to remember that there is more to my purpose and my being here than a career, and even a family. You have a cosmic, eternal plan. Guide me and show me how I fit into that, and as I learn to see Your purpose help me to understand what that means about the choices I need to make each day as it is comes to a family, a career and all the varied decisions that come with this life.

Thank You. Thank You for Your Son, for the gift of salvation. Thank You for caring for me and for having a purpose for my life. Thank You for your patience, your guidance, for loving me through all my sins. I confess to you that I'm a sinner, I'm done many things I shouldn't, I haven't done things that I should. Please search me and try me, clean out my heart and make me pure, holy and blameless once more. Thank You for this forgiveness and I pray that now I can move one and be a better reflection of You, so that through my life others may come to know You and be found in the Lamb's book of life.

I pray all this through Jesus Christ, the spotless lamb. He and He alone makes it possible for me to approach Your throne. I love You. Amen."

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