Tuesday, July 27, 2010

No So Much a Retreat Anymore

I used to really enjoy having my own apartment. It was nice. Gives me the freedom to decorate however I want, and to rearrange those decorations as often as I please. I could have my friends whenever and not worry about bothering a roomie. It was quiet when I needed it to be quiet, but open to friends whenever. I was able to go to bed early and wake up early and not worry about bothering or being bothered by someone else's schedule. It was nice. My apartment was my retreat and I loved it.

I still love my apartment. It is eclectic and homey, it is me-very much so. My personality is stamped on every room. That part I love (I wish for more space and an updated kitchen, but I love the apartment). I like the neighborhood I'm in and I like that it is affordable.

But, lately it hasn't been the retreat that it used to be. It is quiet. Yeah, I have a feline to greet me when I come home and that is nice, and I have music and tv for sound, but it is more lonely than retreat.

I know why that is, but there isn't much I can about changing the situation at the moment. Since I can't change the situation I have to change my attitude, those are the only 2 options. So, I'm trying to find ways to change my attitude and return to the times when the quiet of having my own place was cozy and not lonely.

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