Saturday, August 21, 2010


It is amazing what love will do for a person. I grew up in Wyoming, so people would assume that I'm a bit of a country girl, and I am. I love the wide open spaces-lots of land between neighbors (even though I grew up in town) and the pace of life in the country.

Life is just life, but city folk and country folk view life a little bit differently. In the city it is go, go, go all the time. When you are not working (and a lot of city folk work LONG hours) you are busy going from one thing to another.

In the country, you work hard. The land supports you and you have to work hard to be sustained by the land. Yet, when the work day is done, life slows done a little bit. You may have supper with friends/neighbors, or you may just go inside and turn the game on the big screen. There are no museums or galleries to visit, and movies are a treat, not an every night experience. You have to go to things-they are not just right there, at the next metro stop.

Neither lifestyle is better than the other. Whichever you chose is going to be right for you. I grew up in a small, Wyoming town with dreams of living in the city. In college and grad school I was in the city, first Denver and then to smaller cities. I loved it.

But now, I am changing. Maybe it is returning to roots (of my ancestors) or maybe I just see the pros of country living, but I'm less and less of a city girl. Yeah, I like having a mega Kroger 10 minutes away, and I love that city libraries have more books, and going to coffee shops to write is good too, but I am finding that the more time I spend in the country the more I love it.

I love being able to see 100's of stars at night. I enjoy sitting on the porch and shucking corn or snapping beans. I love the views of rolling hills, and meadows with cow pastures. I love that when friends come over it is an event and you do things at home (my pocketbook loves that).

Yeah I miss other things, but this country kid turned city woman is back to loving the country life!

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