Monday, May 2, 2011

Galatians 6:2 Ministries

"Bear one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ." Galatians 6:2

Dream: to form a non-profit company that puts Galatians 6:2 into action. To be there for the people of the community: counsel, run errands with/for, network, help people find volunteer activities in the area, fix things around the house, pray for our area, travel to churches and speak with women, children, men, and congregations.

Action: look into the feasibility of such an option, ask for prayer for God to continue to opening doors.

Action: Network with people, get a professional business plan written up.

Action: Let people know why they should donate to the ministry in an abysmal economy. Show them how their sacrifice will benefit God's kingdom.


Action: When God says "Go" and "Do" I go and do

I've got the dream, I know the steps to take, so now I get to do them. I know that with the Lord guiding the steps, this journey and this dream is going to be amazing! I'm so excited to see where the Lord takes this, and how it can change the Shenandoah Valley!!!


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