Friday, May 20, 2011

What If???

May 20, 2011 and a lot of people are asking "what if?" What if the Rapture does happen tomorrow? Does that change how we live our lives today? The honest answer, is that if we did know FOR SURE that in 24 hours Christ would be returning, we probably would be living our lives differently, but we shouldn't.

There is a group that is traveling around that is convinced that tomorrow is the day of the Rapture. If I were you I wouldn't listen to them. Christ tells us that only the Father knows when He will tell Christ to return. We are given signs and hints, but we will not know the day till it happens.

So, how should we be living? We should be living lives that please the Lord. This includes: loving others, sharing the Gospel, keeping our minds pure of displeasing images, watching how we speak, and spending time communing with the Lord (prayer, Bible reading, meeting with fellow believers). If we are daily doing the things that please the Lord we will be ready when the trump sounds. If the trump doesn't sound in our life time, we will still have lived a life that pleases the Lord, and that is what life is really all about.

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