Sunday, November 25, 2007

New York City-Day 4

Good morning! I leave for Penn Station in a couple of hours. This is my last morning in the Big Apple. Yesterday was a really fun day, as the ones before it were. As I've told Bethany and my parents: New York is a great city, a great place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live here. I love cities, and being surrounded by people, but this is TOO many people! I have had a blast this week though.

Saturday consisted of traveling on the bus and then the train to go to the Lower East Side Tenement Museum. At the museum we went into an apartment all done up to look like it did when immigrants lived there. There was a 13 year old girl dressed up and acting the part of Victoria Confino (a young girl from the early 1900's). We could touch anything and ask her anything about her life. It was interesting. Then, we went a room they had set up with a big dinning room table and our group discussed issues surrounding immigration then and now. In our group were 2 young parents with a 2 year old girl. They were Mormons with a lot of disposable income and were rather abrasive and snooty and not very nice people. There was also a family from DC, some NY'ers and us. A very interesting mix of people. The museum experience was great.

After we finished at the museum we headed back to the Bronx and to Bethany's house. Once here, we grouted our picture boxes we had made at the art shop and rested a bit. Then, we got all gussied up and left for Broadway and Mary Poppins! We rode the train down to Broadway. For dinner we ate at McDonald's on Broadway, and I wish I had taken a picture, it was a very classy McDonald's. There were movie screens and Christmas music, and let me just say, it was quite a nice, upscale atmosphere.

From McDonald's it was a short walk (practically next door) to the Amsterdam Theatre and Mary Poppins! Our seats were in the balcony, third from the back on the left side. We had a thin pole to look around, but that didn't really bother me. Before it started, we visited and read the Playbill, and I shot a quick picture of the stage. Then, the lights dimmed and the show began!

Oh my, the things they can do with the sets and making things appear and disappear out of seemingly thin air. Mary Poppins did fly (attached to a thin cable) and all the actors and actresses did a wonderful job. The music, the lighting, the effects, it was all spectacular. I got a souvenir cup, and of course my ticket. The show ended and we dealt with the theatre traffic and made it to our bus station. The bus driver let us off, practically right in front of the door to Bethany's apartment.

Day Four, was a great day. A lot of transit time. That is one of the things I have noticed about life in a huge city. You have to factor in a lot of transit time to get from place to place. Makes me happy for my 12 minute commute to Liberty from my house.

So, today I leave. It has been fun, but I am ready to get back and be around my cat and my stuff again. Next time I come up I want to go to Ground Zero, Lady Liberty and few other things, we didn't get to this trip. With that said, it has been a great trip, and aside from getting to hang out with Bethany, I'm not sure yet what the highlight is. There was so much packed into a short time span. I will have to think about it for awhile.

Have a blessed week, and take time to explore your home and see it through a tourist's eye, it might surprise you just how interesting your home can be, big or small.

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