Monday, July 28, 2008

I Love Jesus

I just read an article by my pastor (Jonathan Falwell) talking about how in America we have moved and become a culture that at the same time wants to remove any public right to revere Christ while at the same time wanting to reserve the right ridiculing Him.

We have become a nation that celebrates the need to respect all cults, yet silences Christ. Yet, Christ will not be silenced. The Bible tells us that if we won't praise Him, than the rocks and trees will cry out in praise of their Maker. One way or another God WILL get the glory.

Why are we as Christians so willing to let this happen? What are we so afraid of in this country? In our churches, Bible studies and e-mails we talk about the dwindling respect for Christ, but if we really cared about the direction the country was going in, we would be up in arms over things like Hamlet 2, and the other shows that are mocking Christ. If we really cared, cared enough to do something, then there would still be courthouse displays of the 10 Commandments (which the Jews claim as well as Christians) and kids would feel safer praying to Christ at school.

Why are we so apathetic in this country? Have we really become this spoiled!?! I mean really? Are we so afraid of a little ridicule that we sit at home and whine about the state our country is in? Well DUH!!!!!!!

There are thousands and probably a few million people in America that are honestly born-again. We have numbers, not the numbers that we should, but we are not a tiny band huddling in some hovel somewhere. We need to speak out, to let the nation know that God will not be mocked. It is to their (and our's as well) detriment.

Remember we are working toward Heaven, toward earning the "Well Done" from our Savior. How awful will it be to get to Heaven, and not get to hear God say "well done my good and faithful servant" all because we were afraid someone would make fun of us. We are not going to be killed for speaking the truth here in America.

Their are souls to reach. People that are going to go to HELL, all because we are afraid to share the truth with them. That sucks big time. Our children are growing up in a society where they are not safe, where we put our lives in jeopardy to board a plane. Partly because we have allowed society to get to a point where terrorism has flourished.

Yes, part of the problem is sin, and we can't prevent that. But, we can change how we react, and we can change our apathy into action. We need to get out there. To let the world know that God will not be mocked without consequences. We need to show the world the love that God is, and the joy that comes from worshiping Him. The world needs a wake-up call.

The ridicule of Christ should anger us beyond belief. That is our Savior, the Jesus that experienced life for 33 years, was abandoned by His friends, flogged, crucified and lost contact with God (for a time). The Jesus that on the 3rd rose and is reigning in Heaven. That is our LOVER, FRIEND, COUNSELOR, SAVIOR the world is being allowed to mock, deny and try to silence.

God expects us to do something about it. We are His ambassadors, imitators of Him. We are called to be like Christ in every way. So when they mock Him, they mock us. Are we really going to take that sitting down? Are we??? I for one and sick of it, and I plan to do something about it.

"Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh, will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. And let us not grow weary while doing good..." (Gal. 6:7-9a)

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