Saturday, July 12, 2008


LIFE. One word with many meanings. Such a simple word, yet living it is anything but simple.

So much is going on in my life right now. A lot of it is exciting and wonderful, and other parts of it are not so wonderful, yet for all that is that makes up my life, I have to say that I could do worse, much worse.

One thing I have learned, and continue to experience that have an even temper is helpful. Being able to remain calm in a crisis makes the crisis not quite so bad. There is nothing like letting our emotions get in the way and escalate the problem.

Also learning to take joy and celebrate even the little things is good. Making the little things even more important is what helps me remain planted during the hard times. It is the hard times, the crisises in life when we really notice the little things. For instance I can't count how many times I have heard a certain soldier state that one of his greatest pleasures while over serving in Iraq was to watch the sun rise or set and see the magnificent painting God gave him twice a day.

The sun moving across the sky. So simple, and so everyday. Yet, not. In Iraq where death is almost a daily thing and danger lurks in more than just the corners. Where bugs, sand and heat and the overwhelming task one is called to do. Iraq is a hard place to be for our soldiers (same with Afghanistan). Yet, even there a person can find pleasure.

I think that is part of what being a Christian is all about. Seeing God in everything and during every circumstance. God is NOT hidden, HE is everywhere and doing amazing things for us each day.

When I am down I remember the view from atop Steamboat Point in the BigHorns. That is probably my favorite place in the world. Up there, gazing upon the valley where I grew up I can get a better perspective on things. We are each just individuals. 150 years from now I will probably not be in the history text books. My picture won't adorn the walls of every classroom, but that doesn't matter.

Life is not about gaining eternal, earthly fame. Life is about living honestly, obediently and in love. Love for God, but also for others. If you do that, you may go down as a celebrity, but you will impact countless lives. If you are walking for Christ and modeling Christ, you will be able to handle what comes your way with grace and dignity.

What you are given you will be able to deal with, because you won't be doing it alone. Life is not meant to be lived alone. We are designed to rely on the Creator, the Lord for help. Not only does HE help us deal with the day to day stuff, but HE gives us family, friends and companions to be there for us.

Life can be difficult, crazy, confusing, weird, tough, wonderful, amazing, awe-inspiring, joyful and full. But without Christ as your center it is lived in vain and it is headed down the wrong track. Each day you live without Christ is another weave in the handbasket. So why don't you put that basket down and start building your home in Glory??? Life is so much better with that as the goal. I promise! But don't trust me, try and it and you'll see that God is honest.

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