Thursday, July 31, 2008

"The Shack" Causes me to Ponder

Who is God really? How can understand Him and do we really want to understand Him? These are just a few questions raised as I read the first half of "The Shack" last night (well early this morning to be precise). God is too immense to totally, and why would want to grasp Him totally? Part of God being the awesome God that He is, is that He is too much to grasp. If I could know God as well as I know myself or my times tables, there wouldn't be much to worship. It is the fact that I am continually learning more about Him, growing closer to Him and gaining new insights that makes Him so much of wonderful, powerful, Almighty God.

Also, I find the Trinity idea to be confusing- we try to explain it in many different ways: the Godhead is 1, but with 3 personalities in the same way that a man can be: a son, dad and husband: 3 unique roles all in 1 person. But even that doesn't fully describe the Trinity. And as hard as it can be to describe it, it is necessary.

We are created in the image of God, and designed for relationship. If God didn't have a relationship with Himself, than neither could we have a relationship with Him, or with each other. Because we can only exhibit traits that God can have. Therefore the idea is important for life and relationships to exist. I'd never thought of that before I read this book.

Maybe I am pondering things more right now in light of the family tragedy. Tragedy and death tends to cause us to think and ponder and realize our own mortality. The only way you and I are going to escape death is for Rapture to happen first, and the likelihood is that we will have to die.

I'm not afraid of death, because I know that when I die I will begin my eternity with my Lover, Friend, Savior, Lord, God. That is beyond words exciting. But neither am I in a hurry to die either. There is so much more I want to accomplish here on Earth. I want to get married and have a child. I want to help women and children, I want to travel. I want to see my book published and selling in bookstores!

But more than all those combined, I want to become a more godly woman, a woman that is working to fall more in love with Christ each day, and living a life that makes Christianity infectious. I want to help people find Jesus and come to know Him as their savior, lover, friend as I have.

I want to be an encouragement and comfort to others. I want to show the world that Jesus is easy to know and love, because He first loved us. In that while we are still despicable and naughty, He knocks on the doors of our hearts and asks to come in and help us mend and be a little less despicable each day.

I want to have such a deep relationship with Christ that it overflows out of me. If I go too long without talking to Christ I want to feel bereft. I want Him to become my All and All, more than He is now. That is what I want out of life.

"I yearn for You o Lord. I cry out for You o Lord. My soul is hungry, my heart is thirsty for You. Come to me, and never let me leave. Let the Rock be always by my side, so that I may be a glory to You in all that I do. Create in me a pure, clean heart, a heart that is full of joy, because it is full of You. I love You and want to love You more. Amen."

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