Saturday, July 5, 2008


So here it is Saturday morning, the day after Independence Day! The Capitol Fourth was well done, as it always is, and the fireworks behind the Washington Monument, oh so beautiful! Just reminded me of why I'd love to live there. In fact, Queens and I talked about that last night. I'm not sure if she is as excited as I am, but I like to think that she is!

So I titled this entry, "Thinking" because that is what I've been doing this morning. I have been thinking. I know, now it explains all the smoke you non Californians are smelling (pause as I pray for the fires to be quenched quickly)!

I'm back! So I've been thinking about a myriad of things this morning. Will Favre return (see previous post) and I just don't know. The more I ponder it, the more I have to agree with Steve M. (if you don't know who that is, you don't pay close enough attention to the NFL) in that he (#4) probably won't return, but that till the season actually starts there will be rumors every week of his state of mind and what he will decide to do. That is the nature of celebrity, people will say what they want to happen, and all of a sudden it is all over the news, and the person being talked about never made a comment. Reminds me how precious privacy is, and why I'm penning my book under a pseudonym. Paige can have all the celebrity she wants, but I don't need it!

So what else have I been thinking about? Marriage is one thing, but not about getting married. I'm reading a book "The Marriage Builder" by Dr. Larry Crabb (who at least at the time this book was penned worked at CCU-I'm trying to remember if he did while I was there). It is very well written and seems like a good book to use in pre-marital counseling. It is a book that I checked out of the school library, but I think it is one that I need in my professional library. In this book Dr. Crabb's thesis is that our safety and security comes not from our spouse but from Christ. The fact that we are safe and secure comes from the Lord, but the Lord has designed marriage to reflect our relationship with HIM, so while the fact of our safety and security is in Christ, our feelings of safety and security come from our spouse. And my role as wife will be to always put my husband first and my motivation should always be "will this action/word/etc. make him feel more safe and secure and loved". A great book. I recommend it to couples that are already married, or that are thinking about being married.

Ok, so enough about marriage! I'm also reading a book on using metaphor stories in counseling, it is pretty good. It is mainly a collection of metaphor stories and what scenarios they are useful for. Once again, it would be a great resource to have in my library! I just love books!!!

I'm thinking that today is going to be a good day. I am going to go to the gym and go for a swim, and then maybe head over to Barnes and Noble and read for a bit, and then maybe call up a friend and catch a show at the dollar cinema near campus! All in all a great Saturday!!!

Thinking about doing things with friends reminds me of Christ (honestly everything reminds me of Christ)! Christ is our best friend, and how weird is that? The God of the universe, the God who created the universe and reigns supreme over everything is my best friend? I can go to HIM for anything and everything! I know that HE will never let me down, and that HIS advice is always right on target. I know that even when I admit my sins to HIM, I will still be loved, and HE will forgive me, no matter what the sin. I know that it hurts HIM when I sin, but HE still loves me and forgives me. That being the case, it causes me to want to sin less, so I don't let HIM down and disappoint HIM.

As a Christian I get to approach the throne in Heaven with whatever is on my mind, and I know that God hears my prayers, and not does HE hear them, but HE cares about whatever I care about, and HE wants to give me the desires of my heart. That is amazing and humbling, and oh so exciting.

To think that God wants to talk with me, and cares about me! I'm not all that exciting. I have a small group of friends, I haven't done anything earth shattering. I'm no Billy Graham or Beth Moore. I'm just a girl from the wild west, and the God of the universe has a personal interest in me! Wow! The even better part, as much as HE is interested in me, HE is interested in you too! God loves all of us.

Have a wonderful day, and may rest in the knowledge that even if everything is going wrong, and you feel down, you always have 1 thing going for you, and that thing is more important than anything else in the universe. God loves you and will take you. All we have to do is ask! Go ahead and ask, HE will come through for you. It may not be in the way you would expect, or even chose, but somehow God will come through for you, and you will be better off (spiritually) than you are now. All we have to do is believe on Him and accept the truth that Jesus is the only way to Heaven.

Enjoy the love of Christ today! I know that I am!!! Happy July 5, 2008!!!

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