Friday, March 12, 2010


The following is an excerpt from my 2nd book "If You're Crazy Talk to Me: the unconventional escapades of a Christian sex therapist"

The main character is in her mid 20's and has been working as a sex therapist since she graduated from a Christian university. She is single and the story contains clips from her sessions with clients as well as her own mixed up dating life.

The point of my story is to entertain, but to also bring about a 21st Century view of how sexuality can be dealt with in the church. The church tends to shy away from anything that has to do with sex. We tell our youth "wait till marriage" and leave it at that. Not cool. So I wanted to take a humorous look at the subject while remaining true to Godly principles.

In this excerpt Jilly is talking with her gals about a guy that she thinks likes her, but she is on the fence. BTW- this is copyrighted so no stealing it! I don't want to have to visit you in the big house!
"Kat, you are not listening. I need advice here! I'm going crazy!"

"Jilly I love ya girl, but you see this here phone, when it rings I have to answer or this here chair will be occupied by someone else and I'll be out on my tush looking for another job and I love my job!" Kat told her

"Yes, because you have the meanest, orneriest boss in the world!" Jilly laughed, because she was Kat's boss. But the two were as close as sisters and Jilly didn't know what she'd do without either Katherine or Meagan her other sister-friend who was the other therapist in the office. Meagan and Jilly relied on Kat to keep them straight at work and sometimes out of the office.

"By the way where is Meagan, I didn't think she had another appointment till this afternoon. I need both of you for advice. I have a huge conundrum." Jilly said

"While you were with Mr. and Mrs. Smiley Meagan got a call from her sister. Little Carl is sick and Andrea can't get away from court to take him to the doctor, so Meagan is doing it and will be back ASAP. She has a 2 o'clock with the Greens."

"I hope Carl is ok, he is a sweetie and a half!"

"Me too, now back to your guy problem. If I can't solve it for ya we can talk to Meagan this evening after we close up shop."

"Ok, so you know this guy Jimmy that I met one night when out with the GAP guys?" At Kat's nod Jilly continued, "He had I have done a few things together in groups, and we talk on IM quite a bit. He is a nurse Bethesda. We flirt back and forth all the time and I'm getting the vibe that he likes me, but I just don't know what I think of him. I'm not sure if I'm attracted to him or not."

"Since you met him at a GAP outing I'm going out on a limb and assuming he is Christian?" at Jilly's affirmative Kat continued, "Do you have fun talking to him, hanging out with him? What do the guys think of him? Do they hang out with him just because he is in the Sunday school class, or is he actually part of the group?"

"He is newer to the group but he seems to be part of it. He and Jeff do a lot of things together. Oh there is a guy I am good friends with and totally attracted to! But, I do't feel like waiting till I'm 40 for him to get around to doing anything."

"Yes well that is Jeff and that is his bad, you know we ALL think you and Jeff would be great, but unless God does a feeding the thousands type miracle he is going to remain the Jeff we know, love and fret over! So back to Jimmy. I think that IF he asks you out you should go. Maybe you are not attracted to him now, but it might grow. The more you get to know him you might find a growing attraction. And as you tell clients "Attraction is important, it is a God ordained part of a relationship, but the whole relationship is not about physical attraction it is about friendship, trust, spiritual attraction and shared experiences."

"True! So on the off chance that he asks me out I should say yes?"

"Totally! Besides it would just be a date or two, you are not the type to run off and get married on the 1st date, so if it doesn't work out, while there will be hearts to mend, it is ok."

"True! Thanks friend! I love ya! Now, what is going on with you and Dale?"

"We are great! Thursday will be 9 months! He is amazing. Every time I see him I'm like WOW! This guy loves me! I don't deserve it, he is way out of my league!"

"He is great! But you are the one out of his league girlfriend! You deserve a prince and if Dale is that prince than I can't wait to see the ring!"

"You and me both! Last night we were wandering around the mall by his church and as we passed by one of the jewelery stores I couldn't help but stop. He actually seemed to pay more attention than he normally does. So who knows. I know that I love him and that for the first time I found a guy that knows how to be a spiritual leader without being domineering about it. How sexy is that!?!"

"Totally sexy! I'm so excited for the two of you. You are coming over Sunday after church right? Lunch and then the race on my new screen! I love my new media area in my loft. God is blessing me beyond what I deserve. I can't believe my book is selling so quickly!"

"We will be there! Dale is excited. Who else is coming?"

"Meagan her new roomie, Cheryl. Brad, Mark and Jenn. Should be fun. Potluck style, don't forget!"

"I won't, now get back to your office I have papers Boss 2 wants me to type up for her and you have an appointment in...10 minutes so hustle to the chapel and prepare." The girls made a point of heading to the little room they had decorated as a prayer chapel before each appointment, so that they would be ready emotionally and spiritually to help their clients.

This story is in the really fun stage right now for an author. I hope you enjoyed. Have a blessed weekend!

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