Wednesday, March 3, 2010

MARCHing Toward Spring!

Right now I am sitting at my favorite little cafe table at my public library. I have a window beside me, and everywhere else I look there are books, books and more books! I love books! A book can take us anywhere: we can solve crimes alongside the greatest sleuths, we can boldly go where no man has gone before, we can watch the delicate dance of an 18th century romance, or we can fend off vampires, potato famines, or war. I love to get lost in the pages of a well crafted book, be it fiction or non-fiction.

If I pause to look out the window I see some snow, but mostly dead grass and cloudy skies. Yet, I know that before this month is over that will change because March is the month that ushers in Spring! Spring is the season for hope, for renewal and for cleaning. The long hibernation of winter (and all the beauty of the snow) is drawing to an end and generally people feel more optimistic during Spring. The grass is green, the leaves return to the trees, and people are able to be outside without bundling up in 12 layers of clothing! Not to mention how wonderful the plants smell!

It is no wonder that people love Spring so much! There is another good thing about March...birthdays! My best friend's birthday is tomorrow, my Mom's is the 11th, I celebrate mine on the 17th (the nation and St. Pat celebrate with me), and my Aunt has her birthday on the 20th! I love birthdays, it is a chance to focus on having some fun, and also on what we've accomplished and what we hope to accomplish in our next year. Plus, it beats the alternative (even though I can't wait for Heaven, I'm not ready to go yet).

March is such a great month, it is one of my 12 favorites in fact!

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