Sunday, March 21, 2010

Facebook Sabbatical Day 4

Ok I have to admit I logged on for 30 seconds to update my status. I know, but I wanted to thank all my friends for the marvelous birthday wishes.

Thinking about my birthday I naturally think about life and when life begins. According to many states, life begins when the fetus takes it's first breath. I find that to be utterly ridiculous. I spend 9 months growing and developing in the womb, I shove my way out the birth canal and I'm NOT a human life till I breathe? What is it about inhaling and exhaling that makes me more "alive" than before?

The thing that really makes me shake my head is that many of the same people that are fighting for abortions to be even easier to obtain are the people that are fighting for more rights for animals! Now I have a cat and I love her, she is my sweetie and she is part of my family, but she is a CAT--I don't love her the same way I will my children or my husband. I love my nephew, sister, parents and friends more than my cat!

I'm all for protecting animals from abuse, but when animals have more rights than people that is just asinine. People are more outraged these days by the "murder" of calves for veal than they are by the abortion of a human baby! Veal is aborted calf! How is it that the baby cow is considered to be alive and worthy of rights when the human baby is not? How insane is that?

Moving on from that soapbox to the other issue on my mind which is what to do with my life. Right now I'm in a place where I have amazing friends. I love my friends here, and I am working toward my PhD and I love my school, but there are better schools out there that offer the emphasis on trauma counseling that I want. If I stay where I am my studies will be broad and any focus I get will have to be independent studies or going to clinics. If I am going to pay for a PhD why not pay for it somewhere that offers the classes I want, especially if that school is in DC?

It is no secret that DC is my favorite city. I love US history, I love our political system (though I'm fed up with the direction our country is going and that we Americans are allowing the liberals to do whatever they want. We need more grassroots efforts like the Teaparty Movement to spring up and force lawmakers to realize some things) and I love city life. DC offers 3 of my favorite things in one place- and a lot of the museums and memorials are FREE! Can't beat that!

So I am praying. Do I stay here, in a town that I like with friends and a church that I love? Or do I pack up and move to a city that I love and go to a school that offers exactly what I want? It would be hard to leave my friends, I hate making new friends, I'm not good at it, too introverted (it is easy to be honest on a blog, harder to go out of my comfort zone and meet new people IRL). I don't know what to do, so I'm praying about my decision.

I want to follow the Lord's guidance, I want to be in the city where HE wants me, doing the work that HE wants me to do, and loving and serving the people that HE puts in my life. That may be here, it may be DC, or it may be somewhere else totally different. The important thing is to seek HIS guidance and then follow it.

All these thoughts and more as I continue my Facebook sabbatical. Have a blessed evening!


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