Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Promise in the Clouds

The long, cold, waiting days of Winter are almost over. There is hope in the air. The days are starting to warm up, and the clouds are all grumbly outside my library window. I love the change of seasons, whatever may be ending and starting. Yet, the advent of Spring holds a special place in my heart.

As much as I love the snows of winter, and Christmas, there is just something about Spring that brings hope, renewal and promise. It is exciting to watch the grass go from brown to alive and green again. I love watching the trees get dressed in their leaves and spread out. I also love how it takes longer for night to come each day.

Each Winter I know that God is protecting us and that the dormancy of Winter is just His way of saying "Wait my child. Trust me through this and soon you will see beauty again." It is God's way to teaching us patience, something I can always use more of!

God always fulfills His promises. Unlike my husband, my parents, or my best friend. God is ALWAYS going to do what He says, and He is never going to let me down. Transversely I can never let Him down. Yes, I'll screw up and sin. But I can never do anything that will make Him love me less, or make Him look at me differently. He always sees me through Christ's blood. To God I am always His beloved child.

That makes me want to be better. It makes me want to make this Spring the best yet. Not for me, but for God. Because God knows how good I can be, God knows my potential. As He gives me rain storms, green grass and budding plants this Spring, I want to give Him my all. I want to give Him my obedience, my love and my surrender.

Spring is also the time to celebrate Christ's death and resurrection. It is the time when the whole of Christian society reflects on just how amazing and sacrifical His gift was. There is no better time than this Spring to give my all to Him, to the one that gave me Heaven and gives me joy each day.

Oh how I love Jesus! I just love Him and the promise that I see written in the gloomy clouds today. Promises, promises, God keeps His promises!


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