Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thousands of Dollars to do WHAT!?!

I FINALLY have a job and I am SO appreciative for that. God was protecting us and guiding us through this whole journey, yet I found myself wondering a little bit about why HE put me where he did. It seems like a waste of my education. Today was just my first day (I'm a cashier at a local store)and it was all orientation. Not very exciting, and we have more of the same tomorrow.

I went into the day with the attitude that I would be thankful for the job and be joyful about it because I'm where God wants me. I just didn't understand why He would have me here, when I was confident that He was leading me to be counselor. Instead of counseling I'm ringing up groceries for other counselors.

There are 2 of us going through orientation together. The other girl is a few years younger than I am. Quiet, but she seems pretty nice. We had an hour for lunch, so she and I drove in my car to a local Subway. It was fun and I got to know her a little bit and I realized why God has me where he does.

We were talking about books and what we liked and she asked if I was religious. I said, "I'm a Christian but I don't consider myself religious. It isn't about religion, but truth and being thankful for what Christ did."

She got really quiet for a moment and said, "My Grandma is a Christian and I just don't understand it, the stories in the first part of the Bible seem more outlandish than the fantasy books I read." Then she changed the subject and her body language made it clear that she didn't want to discuss religion anymore.

That is why I'm a cashier. I'm there because it is where God wants and through Him I can reach others and share the truth with others. Even if I don't harvest, hopefully by working hard, being courteous and joyful, working with integrity, I can show people Jesus. For sure I will have lots of people that I can bring before the throne! :-)

Is this the job I dreamed of having when I was little? NOPE. If the economy was better would I be doing something different? YES. Is this a menial job that is below me? Heaven's no! God doesn't say "Only work at fancy jobs to earn your food." He says, "No matter what you do, work at it with all your might, because everything you do you are doing for Christ." I am serving Christ, and because of that it is a high calling.

I am not giving up on my goals. Someday I want to get my book published (some day soon would be marvelous) and I'd love to pursue my goal of being an EMT. But for now, I'm a cashier and I'm going to go to work everyday choosing to see it as an opportunity to pray for and share Christ with a multitude of people. Who knows, this may turn out to be my favorite job! It is all about attitude.


PS. I still wonder a bit why God would guide me toward an M.A. and help me begin my PhD, when I can do this job without those. So yes I spent 1000's and I'm doing something that doesn't require any college. But, I need to look at it as: I spent 1000's of dollars and now I'm more prepared "to give an answer" to anyone that comes to me with questions about Christ. If through this job I'm able to lead even just 1 soul to salvation than it was money VERY WELL spent. :-)

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