Monday, December 20, 2010

Marriage: Day 16

It is interesting to note how quickly time goes once you get married! I can't believe that it has already be half a month since D and I got married! In many ways it seems like just yesterday I was counting down the days till I became a Mrs. and now, it has been 16 wonderful days of marriage.

One of our wedding gifts was a Couples Bible and I just love it! It is the Bible we use as we are reading through Psalms. It is also the Bible I am using for my personal devotional time, and that is what I want to talk about tonight.

It is very important to remember that even though you and your spouse are reading the Bible together, you still need to take time to have a personal devotional and prayer time. Nothing replaces 1 on 1 time with Jesus. Jesus is not just lord of the marriage, but He needs to be lord of your life as well- EVERY aspect of it. This is a lot easier said than done!

Yes, it is fairly easy to get up and go to church on Sunday, and yes it isn't that hard to read a couple of chapters a night in the Bible, but that is not enough. Jesus needs to be Lord of All. He already is, so we just need to recognize that, and give Him his due.

In this economy it can be hard sometimes to tithe. You see that money going into the offering plate and you think "that could buy a lot of groceries, or it could get shoes and sweaters for the kids- they are growing. Or, my car REALLY needs gas and it is making a clunking sound." Regardless, we still need to tithe.

God knows our hearts. He knows if we are tithing because it is expected, for show, or if it really is because we love and trust Him. All we can see is the temporary, the NOW, but God can see ALL time at once, and He knows how the money will be used, and He knows how He is going to provide for our needs and family's needs.

God wants to protect and lavish us. He wants to give us the world (why not, He's already given us eternity!), but He holds back. If He gives a little and we squander that, He isn't going to trust us w/ a lot. He will always provide for our needs though. It may not be in the most expected or hoped for way, but we will be taken care of.

That is what I'm learning right now in my personal Jesus time. I'm learning to trust God, and as I trust Him for things in my personal life, I see just how it affects our marriage, and how much fuller our marriage is because I'm trusting God. A personal relationship with Jesus is how I am able to build a fence to the line the path, so that we don't stray. :-)

Do your marriage a favor and make sure that you are taking time to study and pray as a couple (and a family if you have kids) and as an individual. I know times are busy, but the busier things get the MORE important it is to make sure you are giving God enough time, love, worship, attention, praise, glory, etc. HE deserves everything, so why not give just a little?


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