Sunday, December 12, 2010

Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays & Marriage Thoughts

Right now we are in the midst of the holiday season. There is a lot of talk among Americans about what to say to people as a greeting. Some Christians get offended when you say "Happy Holidays" in lieu of "Merry Christmas" and I don't understand.

When I think of this season I think of all the holidays: Thanksgiving, my anniversary, Advent, Christmas and New Years. That is a lot of holidays and I didn't include Hanukkah! Which, even though I'm not Jewish I could celebrate, because my Savior is Jewish. So, why I can't I wish that people enjoy all the holidays? I plan to enjoy them.

Now, I know part of the complaint is that Christmas is becoming more and more secular- Frosty is taking over when the focus should be Jesus. People want the world to remember to keep the focus on CHRIST, therefore the wish for a Merry CHRISTmas. Yet, in lieu of getting offended, look at ALL that we have to celebrate and focus on praying that more people see the truth this season. Don't get offended, get ACTIVATED to do something.

Speaking of Christmas, this is my first Christmas as a married woman! I'm really excited. It will be different for me, because I'll be celebrating the holidays with his family and not mine. But his family IS MY family now, so I will be with people I love. I can't forget that in this age I am only a phone call away from my biological family. While it isn't the same, it is going to be a GREAT Christmas because I am going to choose to keep the focus on Christ and being with my beloved.

I am learning that marriage is a lot of change. We both have to be willing to change and start new traditions. We may have to give up what we knew as kids, but what we gain is a beginning of OUR traditions, and OUR Christmas. Change in marriage doesn't just stop at Christmas. There is a lot of change to adjust to.

There is a change in when we eat- I like to have dinner with my husband, so I have to be willing to eat when he is ready. When I go grocery shopping I buy things that he likes, and not just what I like. It is an adjustment in thinking. I'm not thinking of just me and providing for myself like I did as a single adult. I have this whole other person. That is really exciting, but also a change. A great change, but a change nonetheless.

Have a blessed Monday!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this article :) I run a blog called and today's discussion is about "merry christmas vs happy holidays" and I enjoy reading what people have to say about it! :) Thanks!