Friday, December 10, 2010

Marriage: Day 6

Tomorrow will mark the end of the first week of my marriage and what an interesting week it has been! D and I chose to take a stay at home honeymoon and I'm really glad that we did. It is non-traditional, but it has been relaxing.

Having the time at home gave us an opportunity to go through wedding presents and organize the home. We had guests (my family and friends) the week before the wedding, so when we returned from our wedding night (at an undisclosed location) we were able to start to clean, organize, but also to just relax and enjoy being together.

Marriage is an interesting journey- and i have made ours a little more eventful by coming down with a yucky cold Wednesday night! It is not the worst cold I have ever had, but it does have me pretty darn exhausted and I just feel like I want to scream because my sinuses hurt so much, and the meds dry them out too much. But you know, being sick is not as bad as it could be, because I'm still floating on newly wed bliss!

I remember that for the past 20 years (since I was about 7) I've been praying for a husband and a family of my own, and God provided me with the perfect mate! Now, I get to figure out how to navigate the married world. I am already learning about compromise and putting my husband's needs and wants ahead of my own.

Married people talk about compromise all the time, like it is something hard. Now, maybe it is because I'm still in the honeymoon phase, but I don't think it is that hard. I love D more than I love any other person, so why wouldn't I want to lavish him with all that I can?

Another thing I'm learning is that my time is not necessarily just my time. I have this wonderful man that I live with, and I have to factor him in. I need to make sure that if I go off and delve into a book in the evening he is ok with that.

Those are 2 of the lessons I'm learning. More lessons to come as D and I continue this wonderful journey.


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