Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Marriage: Day 3

On Saturday I tied the knot and went from being a Miss or a Ms to being a Mrs. It is a big step and something that I have prayed for for as long as I can remember. I used to wonder why God was being so slow. I knew that marriage was (is) God ordained, so why wasn't God giving me what I yearned for?

Now I know that He wasn't being slow, he was just preparing me and preparing my husband. The timing had to be right---we both had to be free from other significant others and we had to be ready for marriage. The wait, the tears, the frustration, it was all worth it.

I found the man that God had His eye on for me, and I could not be happier, or more at peace. God gave me a man that loves me, that makes me laugh, that makes me feel safe, that I want to spoil, that I love more and more every day. My husband is a man that just by being who he is, he makes me want to grow more in Christ.

Yes, we do want kids, but we want to wait. Marriage is hard enough- it is the blending of two lives. Two people that are used to being single, and we need to adjust to each other before we are ready for kids (3 of them by the way!).

It has only been 3 days since our wedding, but it has been 3 of the most wonderful days of my 27 years. I plan to enjoy each day as it comes, but I'm looking forward to this journey and all the days that God gives me with my husband.

Marriage- what a trip!!!

-the new Mrs!-

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