Sunday, December 26, 2010

Marriage: Christmas Time!

Merry Christmas to all my readers! I hope that y'all had a good one. I had a wonderful Christmas this year.

I grew up with an idyllic Christmas (and not because of the gifts). On Christmas Eve we would all gather in the afternoon at Grandma's house. We would eat a light supper, clean up and head over to church for the early candle light service. After, it would be dark and we would drive around town looking at the Christmas lights. Eventually we would find our way back to Grandma's house, where we could change into comfortable clothes, grab a bite to eat and then head into the living room.

In the living room we would open the few gifts from Mom's side of the family and then we would be the Christmas Gift Game (think a Chinese gift exchange meets White Elephant). After the game, all the wrapping paper would be left in the middle of the floor, we would visit, play and sometime around midnight everyone would head home.

Christmas morning was at our house. First there were stockings to open (we each got a couple things for the other stockings) and then we'd head upstairs to wait for the rest of the extended family to arrive. We would open gifts and have Christmas brunch. After brunch I'd read the Christmas account from Luke and we'd sing Happy Birthday to Jesus and blow out the candle on the pound cake, and eat again!

Christmas afternoon was spent outside and then we'd come in for a movie and naps. On Dec. 26th we'd head up to Bozeman, MT to do Christmas all over again with Dad's side of the family. It was great, because Christmas lasted for days in our family. It was an extended time to celebrate the Savior's birth.

This year I spent it with D's side of the family and I loved it. Christmas Eve was spent w/ his Mom and step-dad and the kids, Christmas dad at his bro's with their Dad and step-mom. It was a lot of fun to get to know my new family a lot better. To pray with them, to give gifts and to just be with my husband and new family.

I love family and I'm really enjoying the chance to get to know everyone out here. There is nothing like the holidays to bring out laughter, good cheer and family interaction.

Not to mention that I have a husband to spend mine with, and we have time to figure out what traditions we want our kids to grow up with. It is exciting! Do you want a long and drawn out celebration, or just a couple of days, but to pack them with family, friends and festivities? Now that I've experienced both I have to say that I loved Christmas growing up and those are some of my fondest memories. I also have LOVED this year and it has been just as merry and just as much a time to worship Christ.

So, if your Christmas was extended like mine was growing up, or if it is just as wonderful but shorter, I hope that it was wonderful! Merry Christmas to all, and to all a joyous end of 2010!!!

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